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Microblading FAQS






  • Stop using any skin thinners (Vitamin A, glycolic acids, exfoliation) on the brow area 2 weeks prior to your appointment. 

  • Any waxing or brow shaping should be done at least 2 days before. 

  • If you tint your brows, tint it at least one week prior to the procedure. 

  • Cosmetic botox or fillers should be done 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after.  

  • DO NOT consume alcohol, caffeine or take any blood thinners (aspirin, ibuprofen, Niacin 48 hours before your procedure, this will cause excess bleeding and may affect your results).

  • You may come in with how you normally draw in your brows so I can see what you are used to.  This is especially important for clients who desire a specific brow shape. If you are open to suggestions, I am happy to help design a custom brow to personally suit you. 

  • You may experience hypersensitivity and more pain around or during your menstrual cycle.

  • For added comfort please feel free to ask any pharmacist for EMLA which is a numbing solution you can apply prior to the appointment to make sure you are even more comfortable. Apply it to your brows and cover brows with saran wrap for 60 min before your appointment. (We will plan on using some prior to your appointment if you do not get any or have any access to) You can use the remaining EMLA prior to your touch up appointment (should you need one) This is not necessary however for some nervous clients, it is comforting.

  • We will not be able to tattoo over any blemishes, sores, and moles in or around the brow area. 



Brows takes between 4-8 weeks to fully heal. After this time you may receive your 1 touch-up if color hasn't retained, or if you would simply like to add more definition to your eyebrow.  Touch up is not included in the price.


After the topical numbing wears off you may feel some tenderness on and around the eyebrow area. You may also experience slight swelling and redness the day of your procedure; this is normal and typically goes away within 24-48 hours. At this point you may take Tylenol if you feel any pain, but avoid Aspirin or Ibuprofen as it can cause blood thinning, which could interfere with pigment retention.


At first your eyebrows will appear darker and bolder immediately after the procedure, but will soften and fade as your skin heals in the coming days. The color will change throughout the next couple of weeks. This is 100% normal. As with anything new on our faces, you will need time to adjust to your new eyebrow design. 


Within a few days (typically 5-10) you will notice some scabbing or flaking on the tattooed area, do not pick any scab! Doing so can result in loss of pigment in those areas. Brows may appear uneven or patchy until the entire brow has finished exfoliating. You may notice that some areas may appear very light or even to have lost pigment entirely after they have peeled, the epidermis will be thicker causing muting, hiding or diffusing of pigment underneath. The epidermis will normalize over the next 4-6 weeks and softened pigment will resurface and "bloom" back into the surface of the skin.


At 4-8 weeks your brows will be fully healed. If you’d prefer darker, bolder brows we can always add more color or dimension during your follow-up appointment. This appointment is called your perfecting appointment for a reason :). This can be scheduled from 4-8 weeks after you initial visit.


The effects of microblading last anywhere between 18 and 30 months. Once pigment from the procedure begins to noticeably fade, you'll need to go back to your practitioner for a touch-up application. Touch-ups can be necessary every six months or every year, depending on your skin type and preferred look.


Aftercare Steps:

The day of the treatment: Immediately following your procedure, a thin layer of balm will be applied to protect your freshly enhanced brows from debris and bacteria.


Once you have left your appointment, please gently blot the area with a clean tissue to absorb excess lymph fluid as needed for the duration of the day, or until you have noticed that the oozing has ceased. Removing this fluid prevents hardening of the lymph. You may apply more balm (a very thin layer) once the oozing has stopped.


Please do not allow your brows to get wet for TEN days. Use wipes or a clean cloth to wash your face around the freshly pigmented areas using an antibacterial soap like Dial Soap, Cetaphil, Cerave, or Neutrogena. Be particularly careful when showering and please do your best to limit your showers to 5 minutes so you do not create too much steam. Avoid any direct stream of water to your brows. Should they get wet accidentally, blot them dry immediately with a clean paper towel. PLEASE DO NOT WIPE


Days 1&2: Keep clean and dry and again please do not allow them to get wet. Apply balm 1 to 2’s daily only using a very thin layer. You want to be careful not to over apply balm on these first few days. Use a damp paper towel the night of and the following morning after your initial procedure to blot the freshly enhanced brows. Blot them dry immediately following. Again, please do not wipe.


Days 3-10: Continue applying a thin layer of aftercare balm with a clean Q-tip. Blot away any excess balm with a paper towel. The amount of balm on the brows should not be enough that the paper towel would stick to the area. If there is excess, please blot, do not wipe.

Please do not scratch or rub the healing procedure area, as this may lead to infection or loss of pigment, resulting in bald spots. Should patchy or bald spots occur, they will be corrected at your perfecting session.

Perfecting sessions will be scheduled a minimum of 4 weeks and a maximum of 8 weeks from your initial procedure to ensure the most ideal results. Perfecting sessions are $50.00 and are necessary to get desired results.​


Please avoid for the first 10 days of healing:

  • Swimming or any submerging of the freshly pigments area

  • Saunas, steam rooms, Jacuzzis, steamy baths or showers

  • Hot, sweaty exercise for one week

  • Sleeping on your face

  • Direct sunlight, indoor or spray tanning

  • Laser or chemical treatments/peels, sunscreens, creams containing glycolic acid or retinol A for 4 wks

  • Picking or peeling, scratching the pigmented area which may result in scarring, infections or loss of pigment

  • Touching the area with unclean hands or implements

  • Activities that create airborne debris such basement/garage/ attic cleaning

  • Open air vehicles such as motorcycles, boats or convertibles

  • Excessive drinking or recreational drug use. * Smoking may also slow down or negatively impact the healing process.​


Also please note:
PERMANENT MAKEUP IS NOT RECOMMENDED FOR ANY CLIENTS WHO ARE OR HAVE: Pregnant or Nursing, Diabetic, Viral infections and/or diseases, Epilepsy, A Pacemaker or any major heart problems. Had an Organ transplant, Tendency towards keloids Seborrheic dermatitis Skin irritations or Psoriasis near the treated area (rashes, sunburn, acne, etc.) Sick (cold, flu, etc.) Had Botox in the past month, Have upcoming vacations or special occasions planned. Used Accutane in the past year,  Allergic to anesthetic (Lidocaine) or Problematic Skin.


Risks and complications?

We take all proper precautions for a safe session by using sterilized equipment, new needles and in a sanitized environment.  Should clients follow our pre and post care instructions, there should be minimal risks or complications .  Although allergic reactions to the pigments are rare, it could be possible for certain individuals. We suggest a pigment patch test for individuals who have high skin sensitivities or are sensitive to:

  • Topical makeup products

  • Gold, silver and nickel

  • Hair dyes

  • Patch tests should be performed 5-7 days prior as needed









* MedInk by Morgan reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who is deemed unsuitable for this procedure or for any other reason. The decision to microblade is made on an individual basis and at your artists own discretion. Thank you. *



MedInk by Morgan
Honey Studios

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